Remembering Károly Csütörtöki
It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of our beloved colleague, Károly Csütörtöki (Charles), who passed away at the age of 43. Charles worked at Comtech almos ...
COMTECH will present at ANGA.COM in 2024
ANGA COM is Europe’s leading business platform for Broadband, Television and Online. It brings together network operators, vendors and content providers on all issues of broadband and media ...
HFC and Low-Voltage Power Monitoring System Development
Comtech Ltd. has been awarded European Union funds for the development of HFC and low-voltage power monitoring systems under the GINOP Plusz-2.1.1-21 framework. Based on the Partnership Agreement bet ...
ANGA COM 2022 Exhibition
Dear Colleagues! We are looking forward to catch up with you at booth B80 in Hall 8 at ANGA COM 2022 Exhibition, on 10-12th of May 2022, Cologne, Germany. We are very excited to finally introduce ...
Comtech's website has been completely redone
Dear Partners! After a lot of preparation and careful planning, we are proud to announce the launch of new Comtech website. Not only the design changed, but it’s engine as well. The website cha ...
Let’s meet and greet in FRK Breitbandkongress at Leipzig (28.09.-29.09.2020)
Come and meet our experienced staff who are more than ready to help you in any upcoming questions about the new technologies, equipment at booths number 50! We are introducing our new FTTB solution ...