Power Metering

Comtech Kommunikáció-technika Kft. received a HUF 330.26 million non-refundable European Union grant within the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program Plusz. Within the framework of the three-year research and development project, the development of an HFC network device and a high-current monitoring system for low- and medium-voltage networks will be implemented.
Increased data transfer speeds are a serious challenge for network providers, forcing them to continuously improve. The reason for the need for increasing bandwidth is the ever-increasing bandwidth demand of new communication technologies, the increase in the number of smart devices and the expansion of cloud-based applications. The vast majority of cable television distribution networks in use today use partly glass fiber (optical) and partly coaxial cables, the name of this network structure is hybrid fiber-coax, i.e. HFC network.
In the last decade, and especially in the last 3-4 years, new technologies that eliminate the disadvantages caused by analog optical signal transmission and the optical signal transmission in all elements and sections of the system are done digitally. The cost implications of this and the risk of technical transition are also very significant, so the large cable television network providers are looking for solutions that minimize the technical risk, there is no need to completely rebuild the system, but at the same time they can significantly improve their service capabilities and the system can be further developed later.
The demand created by the current market-technological situation is the basis of the research and development project, because the tools to be created with it will bring the current HFC service providers to the entire optical network of the future with the smallest possible forward-looking technological risk.
In the case of the development of HFC network devices, the project aims to develop equipment that is based on the combination of analog HFC system technology and optical solutions implementing digital transmission. Currently, there is no known, commercially available solution that could achieve this goal on the European market, apart from a major transformation of the existing network or a complete dismantling and reconstruction with fiberglass in one step, so the novelty of the development is significant. With the help of the development, rational and cost-effective system development can be carried out with the undisturbed operation of the network, while the end result will be a purely optical network that keeps pace with technological development.
In addition, the company is planning to start a new branch of power network monitoring based on its experience in the field of telecommunications network monitoring and wants to open up to the telecommunications market as well as power network monitoring systems. The new portfolio would be suitable for measurements in line with regulatory and quality assurance requirements for low- and medium-voltage networks and for network quality monitoring.
The research and development project, which received support in the framework of the call GINOP_PLUSZ-2.1.1-21 - Stimulation of corporate research, development and innovation activities, will be implemented in 36 months, within the framework of the Széchenyi Terv Plusz program, with a total cost of approximately 530 million HUF and HUF 330 million with non-refundable support provided by the Government of Hungary and the European Union.
Further information:
E-mail: mail@comtech.hu
Phone: +36 96 412 299
Website: www.comtech.hu